Wednesday, August 11, 2010

TJ Tunes Review: "King of Anything" by Sara Bareilles

I've said it before and I'll say it again: travelling gives you a lot of time to listen to music. Before I left for California two weeks ago I updated my playlists. One of the songs I added to my iPod (actually I added it to my brother's iPod since mine was having problems) was Sara Bareilles's newest single: "King of Anything."

Straying away from what people normally call "pop music," Bareilles once again utilizes her piano skills, something that, for the time being, is often overlooked in the dance-pop world for the miracles of auto-tune and sing-talking. The piano is quite catchy, and makes it fairly difficult to confuse this song with any other.

As for the melody, not bad, but I can say that for just about any of the drek we call "pop music" lately. As for originality, think of it this way: the song doesn't start with an electronic bass playing the notes C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-D-D-D-D-C#-C#-C#-C# then the "artist" begins "singing," so in my opinion, the melody is very original.

Lyrically this song isn't that bad. Essentially, the song is about her telling someone to shove-it, but in a nice way. In other words the lyrics are a re-hash of her previous hit, "Love Song," so I can't necessarily give her orignality in this category. When asked about the song, Bareilles had this to say: "'King of Anything' is sort of a f**k you song; I've had more unsolicited advice on my life than I care to mention, and this was how I dealt with it. It felt empowering to turn that frustration into music, especially a song that doesn't even sound angry. That's sort of what 'Love Song' was as well. Apparently, I don't get over things very quickly." (source: Facebook).

All in all, this is a catchy, fun pop song that's hard to forget. It'll either drive you mad or will be like musical heroin. If you don't like Sara Bareilles, you won't like this song. If you love Sara Bareilles, you'll love this song. If you've never heard of her, you may or may not like it.

RATING: 8.9/10

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